Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Day 115

I have to say, there are a lot of great web sites out there, but I love Brainpop.  They have short animated movies featuring 'Tim and Moby' on just about any topic you can come up with, and activities and quizzes to go with them.  If that's not enough, they have an educator site that is FREE (did I mention that 'free' is my favorite word?) and includes lesson plans and how to use Brainpop more effectively.  They also have everything organized by state standards at the educator site.

So far, my kids are happy watching the movies, taking the 'review' quiz, then taking the graded quiz so they can get 100 on the graded one.  I'm good with that.  They also like the fact that I will, after they watch the 'assigned' movie, let them peruse around and find whatever interests them.  While I have heard my daughter say that she doesn't like it, once they are there, she's as into it as Luke.

I know Brainpop is a pay site, but through our library system, we can get it for free.  If you're in the Mid-Hudson Library system, you just have to ask your librarian for the username and password.  Way cool!  Math, history, science, health, you name it. 

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Day 113

We're at the end of Day 113.  It was a long day with no academics, but well worth it.  We went to dance, in which Emily noted on her own when she was off (wow!) and Luke got to have some needed time with Nana. 

We raced home to get lunch and prepare for company.  In our small house, we had 11 kids and 6 adults.  Did I mention my house is small?  It worked out pretty well, though, as the kids played outside a lot, and had hot chocolate in the kitchen, and the adults didn't mind sitting wherever, including the floor.  We brainstormed a bunch on what to do with the rest of the year.  In the past, I felt like I made more of the decisions and suggestions.  Now, I'm getting more laid back, or lazy, or something, but I was quite content to let people run with their ideas.  I think we have more ideas than Wednesdays!  So, we'll see what pans out from here...

At 3:25, some of us realized that we had to get to Book Club at the Stone Ridge library (by 3:30).  We all zipped off, me with Luke and Emily complaining how I sign them up for everything without asking them if they want to.  I reminded them that they were IN the ROOM with me when I signed them up!  Anyway, they went and seemed to really enjoy it.  I told them beforehand that if they didn't like it, we wouldn't do the next one.  We walked out having borrowed the next book, so I call it a success so far!  :)

A spaghetti dinner and some video game time rounds out their day, and I'm pooped as usual.  Tomorrow, back to academia and starting our new book, Science Sleuths!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Day 112

Yet another day spent trying to get a certain boy to do his work.  Ugh.

Anyway, yesterday at B&N, Steve and I found a neat resource that I think will be a lot of fun to do with the kids.  It's called Science Sleuths: 60 Activities to Develop Science Inquiry and Critical Thinking Skills, Grades 4-8.  It seems like a lot of setting up scenes, and observation.  We had a detective kit when they were younger that they really enjoyed, so I have high hopes.  When I showed it to Luke, his eyes lit up, which was neat to see.  Time will tell...Looking to start this tomorrow or Thursday.  Probably Thursday as tomorrow will be busy-- dance, meeting, book club at the library.  That's pretty much the whole day!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

day 110, 111

Day 110

Thursday we went up to Albany for a doctor's appointment, so we made more of a day of it by visiting the Albany Institute for History and Art.  When we got there, Luke didn't want to go in, until he saw that it was HISTORY and art, not just art.  My boy is not the biggest fan of art museums.  The Institute is not huge, but they did have a room on Ancient Egypt, which was the main reason I wanted to go there.  They had two mummies, as well as a dog mummy which apparently had caused them some consternation as they thought it was a cat originally.  The room was very decorated, and included some statues we could touch, which was cool. 
Unfortunately, we weren't allowed to take pictures, but the kids did drawings of the Devourer (head of a crocodile, body of a lioness, bottom of a hippo-I guess all that devouring DOES go to the hips) the next day, and used our stamps of hyroglyphics to spell things out.
We also saw some artwork by the Hudons River School, which I really enjoyed, and some portraiture.  In all, it was a nice day.
"Art?  Really?  You can bring me to the museum, but you can't make me appreciate it."

The Half Moon.  The only other place we were allowed to take pictures.
 Day 111

Unfortunately, we didn't take any pictures on Friday.  It was finally warm!  We went for a walk on the Rail Trail where it was really flooded and muddy.  I flipped out the first time Emily walked right through a deep puddle, but after that, who cared?  It was warm, she wasn't complaining about wet, cold feet, and it was good to be alive.  It was really nice to have a taste of spring! 

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Days 106, 107, 108, 109

They say a picture is worth a thousand words...

Out and about

Master builder

Cookin' up good stuff

Bowling party!  Luke turned 10 last week!

Bowling party!  Emily turned 10 last week, too!

Smallest fort ever

Monday, February 14, 2011

Day 105a

Originally, I intended to post this last Wednesday, but as so often happens, life got in the way, so here it is, just a little bit later...

So we went on a tour of Kingston City Hall, which was pretty neat.  The building has been recently redone, so it's quite something to see!  We started at the bottom and worked up.  The kids were introduced to all the various offices, and the people who worked there described a bit about what it is they do in each office (for instance, the Assessor's office). 
We then went to the Mayor's office.  After that, it was upstairs to where the business of government takes place.  It was there that Mayor Sottile found us and talked to the kids about how government works and what he does.  He stressed the importance of reading and study habits. 
Overall, it was an impressive tour.
Mayor Sottile talking to our group

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Day 105

Busy day about to happen!  This morning, we start with Folk Dance for Emily and myself, while Luke spends some time with Nana and Grandpa next door.  Then after a quick lunch, we are off to a tour of the Kingston City Hall.  After that, we are taking Dad to the eye doctor since he will have his eyes dialated (hard to drive when the sun is blinding you!).  My original plan was to tke the kids to Aikido while Dad was at the eye doctor, but just found out that Aikido is cancelled for today. 

The kids both like Aikido, which they attend at Kingston Aikido.  Marilyn, the woman who works with the kids, is both strict and kind, and very willing to work with families to enable them to participate.  Our only issue at the moment is that Emily is the only girl!  She isn't overly upset by it, but I think the boys notice it more.  Sensei (Marilyn) has tried to work with her most of the time, but we all keep hoping another girl will join!

Right now, it's 8:30, so it's time to get the rascals out of bed and into the day!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 104

So this was a slow school day.  Turned out we did some chores like dishes, laundry, bringing wood into the house, and then it was time for my husband's and my dentist appointments.  I wouldn't have had one except that I broke a filling last week, and going at the same time saves gas since it's about 45 minutes away. 

Unfortunately, our available-grandparents was reduced to zero, so we took the kids with us.  I guess they were pretty patient in the waiting room, because I didn't hear a peep, and whenever I got to check on them, they were very quiet.  Luke told me all about the weather, so I guess he was paying attention to the weather channel, which they had on.  They could have picked a lot worse channel.

So, they also got to spend their birthday money from relatives, and so new video games were gotten, leading to no school.  That's ok, because tomorrow we are super busy, then we've got two days free and clear to make up the difference. 

Meantime, I know I had said in an earlier post that I would put pictures of the kids' thank you cards that they sent to people for the nice Christmas gifts they had recieved.  I am sorely lacking in photos of such as we got in a rush to send them out, which is a shame, because Luke did a terrific one of a frog attempting to catch a fly on the front, and on the inside, the fly was in the frog's mouth!  Anyway, I did get a picture or two, so here they are:

One of Luke's creations
And one of Emily's

Monday, February 7, 2011

Day 103

Yesterday was a very busy day.  We went to church in the morning, despite the dreaded ice sheet that passed for a walkway and driveway.  The roads were fine, thankfully, and the kids always like going to Sunday school thanks to their wonderful teacher, "NotMe".

After that, it was prepare prepare prepare as we had our bi-annual concert for orchestra in Kingston followed immediately by a family get-together for the kids' 10th birthday.  We brought our three plates of goodies for the food table (music is almost always followed by food!), our instruments, our stands, and our music, and headed to Kingston. 

This year, we tried something different and all wore black and white.  It was really quite nice!
This is about 2/3 of the whole orchestra.
Our audience was a bit smaller, but I think that helped my crew relax some.  The best moment was when Luke came up to me at intermission, and with no prodding told me that he was having a great time!  I guess he does like the trumpet after all!

It was a busy time, full of running around, playing hard on those instruments, a few mishaps, and lots of laughs. 

My girl plays!

He actually LOOKS happy!
I was so glad to see the kids participating whole-heartedly, and not doing anything too crazy when other people were playing and we were to look attentive.  They did a good job!

When the concert and the eating were over, and everything was picked up and put away, it was time to race home and get the house in order so that when family came, we could have pizza and birthday cake!  We had two set of their grandparents, their aunt and uncle, and their three cousins over.  A stretch for our little house, but it was fun. 

Today, we went to orchestra!  Usually, we have the day off after a concert, but as it turned out, we could have played all day, I think!  It almost seems easier to play the pieces after the concert.  Maybe because the pressure is off?  I don't know.  I do know that I finally got one of the pieces!  That's ok, because we have a couple more concerts later this year, and we'll be playing those pieces again.  No one really wanted to stop at noon when some people had to leave.  Then it was time to play outside after snacks.  We didn't get home until about 2:30!  The rest of the day was time off.  Hey, after all that hard work, it's only fair!  :)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Day 100, 101, 102

Well.  We should have more school days in here.  I see that 5 days have gone by, and only 3 were 'school' days.  Well.  I guess we need to chalk it up to weather.  It has, after all, snowed almost as much as it didn't this week.  I don't know how other people find it, but with DH home, life is different.  And with 2 snow days this week, the whole week was a bit off.

We're at lesson 69 in Saxon Math.  That's more than halfway, as it ought to be by this time of year.  The trouble is, we're starting to get more wrong answers than we used to.  We've been cruising along, not used to getting more than 2 answers wrong on the 'Mixed Practice', and all of a sudden, we hit a wall.  Up to 8 wrong!  I have heard that about Saxon.  I think they said something about the kids not really understanding the concepts, but I can't agree with that.  I think they know what they are supposed to do.  I think it's a matter of slowing them down so they do it right.  Our latest technique for that, instituted recently, is that all problems done incorrectly must be done again.

The sad thing about the snow days we had this week is that it isn't like they could even go out and enjoy it.  I think they are sick to death of snow anyway, and it was freezing, and you couldn't build anything out of it.  Oh well.  This coming Monday we are going to go sledding in the afternoon after orchestra.  I'll bring hot chocolate (or maybe we'll splurge and get white hot chocolate from Dunkin'!) and we'll try to enjoy the season without reason.