Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Friday, September 17, 2010

Day 15

We had a good day.  We worked on our time line for World History, we looked at artifacts on-line, we played Twenty Squares just like they did thousands of years ago (well, except it was on a computer) and we got math done without much fighting at all.  No one got particularly upset, and everyone seemed to enjoy it.  Aikido went well, and no one said that they didn't want to go. 

So why am I feeling down?  This evening Emily still says she wants to go to school.  I know she's just got this idea of what it's like in her head, and wants to see what it's really like, but it bothers me a lot.  I work hard, we have a good day, and I get...what?  Rejected?  I guess that's why I'm down, but I know really that she isn't being mean spirited.  She just wants to try what everyone else is doing. 

And how do I know when it's time to let her try school?  I have no guidelines to go by, no line in the sand.  There must be some point at which I make a conscious decision that it is ok for her to try this "school" thing, and try to see it as an adventure for our family.  It just isn't something I want to do. 

Our whole schedule upset, no longer to revolve around the college schedule, but around college and Public School schedules?  Egads.  Not having my daughter get the education I feel she should have?  Having to fight the crowds at all the cool places we can now go to when they are quiet?  And all the myriad other issues swirling in my head that I'm not taking the time to type out? 

It isn't that she says it all the time, but she's starting to say it enough that I'm concerned that I need to know when is enough.  When is enough?

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