Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Day 169, 170, 171, 172, 173, 174, 175, 176, 177

Somehow life has gotten away from me again, but we have, as usual, been busy busy busy.
We did indeed go to Brooks Dairy Farm, where we stood at the business end of the cows, dodging the *ahem* excrement, and the kids loved climbing all over the hay.  Everyone who wanted to got a chance to milk a cow, and we learned how raw milk is gotten from cow to container.  A very nice farm and really nice people. 

There were a few days taken by test prep, which we are still working on, a little at a time.  We did plant the farm, but I haven't taken pictures yet.  It seems to be going well!  We also had some "house" work going on, so things were slowed down for that.  We had a holiday weekend in there as well! 

We did manage another writing assignment, and I think this one went better than the last.  I'd like to make it a regular weekly thing, and my mom actually is doing it with me to "help" her comprehension as well.  I think she found it an interesting exercise.  We did the Father and His Sons, another Aesop fable, but I think it's time to  move on and maybe try some non-fiction next. 

We also went on a hike to Bonticou Crag in Mohonk Preserve.  It is beautiful, but I'm not fond of the rock scramble part.  The kids like most of it, but a spot or two are sort of tricky.  I think next time DH can take the kids up the front, and I'll meet them around the other way.

Well, ok, this photo might have been rigged...

We had an end-of-year gathering for orchestra this past monday, a playdate tuesday, a playdate wednesday, and a dentist appointment today. 
There were other things accomplished, but it's been an odd couple of weeks. 

At any rate, we have at least decided on some things that will get done in the summer:  math drills, music practice, Spanish and Medieval Times.  Heck, it'll be great!  We'll build a trebuchet and a castle, throw in some swimming, barbecues and a trip, and that's summer!

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