Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Day 2

So far, so good.  We managed to get math, grammar, and spelling done before family came over to play and do crafts.  Later we'll go to the library since we are already overdue on a thing or two.

That's an interesting side note.  Homeschool families LOVE the library.  Even though my kids sometimes argue that they don't want to go, somehow we always end up leaving with a stack of books.  I have, at times, had 60 books out at one time.  We do have a special shelf specifically for library books, because otherwise it would be absolute pandemonium.  We (meaning my husband) manage the books on the computer so we can check what is due when.  Some people still use those long slips of paper, but I just can't get into it.  I wish they'd save a tree and not print it at all, in fact. 

My husband seems to think that we should get everything in on time every time.  A worthy goal, I and yet I can't help feeling like at least I'm giving a little extra to the library that we use so much when we pay overdue fines.  Here in the Hudson Valley, you can pay your fine anywhere in the system, but the money goes to the library where you pay it, not where it is due.  Something I try to keep in mind so I can support the library of my choice.  We go to about 5 different libraries, and two are real favorites.

Anyway, Day 2 has been mostly survived and even enjoyed to a great extent.  I may even read some history to the gang of two.  That's a real treat, and I don't mean for them.

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