Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Days 73, 74, 75, 76

After we had a fairly decent week last week, we started going downhill.  This is to be expected, of course, when we are approaching Christmas and all the trappings thereof.  We did go to Orchestra on Monday, but DH and I took off for a little time to ourselves for an overnight, which meant that Luke and Em went to Nana and Grandpa's for their own overnight. 

I'm sure it was good.  They decorated Nana and Grandpa's house for Christmas and went to a small party with Nana.  Nana is a breast cancer survivor and it was a party for her radiation group.  It's a small group, but one of the members has had a tracheotomy.  This was explained beforehand to them, so I'm reasonably sure they responded ok.  What more reason would they need to not smoke?  They also remember all too well the picture of a diseased lung they were shown in a Human Body class they took, and that was almost 5 years ago!  As far as Nana's radiation, they should remember that pretty well, also, as we took Nana 3 days out of 5 for 8 weeks three years ago.  Quite an experience.

Anyway, when they returned home after their overnight, we had some of the usual attitude.  They always take a while to get back to normal.  This time, though, right in time for the holiday, Emily got sick.  At present she has a fever.  Earlier today it was about 104 degrees.  Thankfully she can take tylenol pretty well.  We'll medicate her so she can sleep, give her plenty of tea with honey and toast. and hope she feels better in 2 days...and hope the rest of us don't get it! 

We'll have orchestra on Monday, so that should set the tone for the few days between Christmas and New Year's.  We'll be going to DC for New Year's, so we won't be getting much done as far as book work then either.  Well, I've already made it clear that if we can't keep up with our work during the year, we'll have to keep working in the summer. 

On the other hand, when I mentioned that we will be covering Geology in January, I got "yay"s, so we'll go with that.

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