Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 122

Wednesday.  Our busy day.  Dance with Emily.  Luke was home with Dad, who was on spring break.  Then we were off for our day of Egypt at our friend's house with a couple of other people.  It turned out to be a nice event.  The host mom had set up a tent (hung from the ceiling), a palm tree (construction paper on a floor lamp) with many activities, food, and stories.  
This happening was thanks to Lego as we had ordered the educator magazines.  They were about Egypt, and full of some interesting ideas.  One we had done the week before, where the kids had to uncover various treasures brick by brick.  This week they built a maps of Egypt showing the river and the mountains including elevation.  They tried Baba Ganouj, dates, and several other foods.  There were many writing activities including a quiz! 
Honestly, I'm not sure if the kids learned a lot, but they had a good time, and tried some new things.  Then, it was on to Aikido.

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