Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 128

Following should have been posted a WHILE ago!...

Yesterday was St. Patrick's Day, and my step-father being Irish makes this a big deal in our house.  Somehow it always takes me by surprise, but the kids get really into it.  This year, we started the day with cold cereal with green milk (ugh, not for me).
We printed some 'game' sheets out from DLTK and the kids worked on mazes, word ladders, and a word mining sheet that I later printed for the adults to do after dinner (How many words can you find in the letters of ST PATRICKS DAY?)

 The kids also decided that they should build leprechaun traps.  There are many styles and instructions for these traps, but I didn't get a chance to give any as they were off and running.

Even the Zhu Zhus were dressing for the day

Luke's trap: notice the reed pipes, the ladder, and the rainbow which is said to attract leprechauns

Caught some!  Luke brought us this centerpiece for the dinner table.  He looks a little wary, though!

Emily's is all gold to attract the wee fellows.

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