Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 88

This was a relatively quiet day, of which we need more.  The new strict phase netted me a math test, a math lesson, writing, a craft, Aikido attendance, and music practice, all with limited trouble!  Staying the course is my issue, and I'm determined.  What I need to do is remember to look back in my archives when I get off course and things go haywire.  Hey, future-self!  Don't mess around!  Get back to being strict and kind!

Anyway, we just got the What Your Fourth Grader Needs to Know: Fundamentals of A Good Fourth-Grade Education (The Core Knowledge Series). We've got the Core knowledge sequence: Content guidelines for grades K-8 outline for all the grades as that's what we use for planning the school year (letter of intent and all that), but for some reason I delayed getting the book itself this year.  It gives me a secure feeling knowing that all the things we do on our own are underlain with the foundation of these books.  It really makes me feel that we are covering all the bases.  The series was actually aimed at educators in schools as well as those who home school.  If I recall correctly, they were hoping to create a complete curriculum that could result in well-educated children regardless of what school they were in (ie low or high income, etc.). 

Really, this is a stress reducer for me.  That's cool.

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