Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 89, 90

So yesterday turned into a bit of a 'work' day for the kids, though I doubt that they would see it that way. We made our last thank-you cards from Christmas, and then they designed t-shirts.
I should say that the only reason I had the stuff out for the t-shirt project is because we are getting a jump on spring cleaning (or maybe we're late for last year's, but anyway...) so the cabinets in our dining room which have hitherto been full of much junk and craft odds and ends are now half actual dining/kitchen stuff, and half craft odds and ends.
The kids ended up making dinosaur t-shirts as their grandfather gave them a huge bag of plastic dinosaurs the night before. There's nothing like running with a theme.

Today we had orchestra. We didn't just have regular orchestra, we had super-long, blow-out-your-lips orchestra. I have to say, it was really good for me to play for so concentrated an amount of time, but I wouldn't want to do it all the time. The kids were troopers, actually, though I hear they gave up towards the end. No one could blame the trumpet player, but the violinist claimed boredom. Not really an acceptable reason to stop playing. But it was nice that they also got to play outside for a while, and Emily and I got to sing with her old chorus group which we are hoping we can fit into our schedule this semester.
While it does make our Wednesdays rather hectic, we'll have three days a week that are relatively unscheduled as far as outside activities.
We were/are hoping to get our planning meeting done this Wednesday for our group (which is the activity we will need to cut down to make chorus fit) but I'm not so sure the weather will cooperate. All we can do is wait and see!

Tomorrow, other than regular school stuff, I'll have to get to my second quarterly! Hooray!

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