Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 104

So this was a slow school day.  Turned out we did some chores like dishes, laundry, bringing wood into the house, and then it was time for my husband's and my dentist appointments.  I wouldn't have had one except that I broke a filling last week, and going at the same time saves gas since it's about 45 minutes away. 

Unfortunately, our available-grandparents was reduced to zero, so we took the kids with us.  I guess they were pretty patient in the waiting room, because I didn't hear a peep, and whenever I got to check on them, they were very quiet.  Luke told me all about the weather, so I guess he was paying attention to the weather channel, which they had on.  They could have picked a lot worse channel.

So, they also got to spend their birthday money from relatives, and so new video games were gotten, leading to no school.  That's ok, because tomorrow we are super busy, then we've got two days free and clear to make up the difference. 

Meantime, I know I had said in an earlier post that I would put pictures of the kids' thank you cards that they sent to people for the nice Christmas gifts they had recieved.  I am sorely lacking in photos of such as we got in a rush to send them out, which is a shame, because Luke did a terrific one of a frog attempting to catch a fly on the front, and on the inside, the fly was in the frog's mouth!  Anyway, I did get a picture or two, so here they are:

One of Luke's creations
And one of Emily's

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