Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Day 167, 168

Monday we had another concert with Orchestra.  This was at Golden Hill, and though we were late, I have to say that I noticed a big difference between this old age home and the other one we have performed at.  The people here were so much more responsive.  I know that's a good thing, but I can't help feeling bad for the people at the other one.  Does the quality of care make such a difference, or is it just a matter of certain types of people going to one versus the other?
Anyway, we finished in plenty of time to go have lunch at McD's, our fav of late with the dollar menu and all, and on to Aikido.
We then went home and worked on a new project.  I had downloaded some MP3s from the Institute for Excellence in Writing web page, and one was about Reaching the Reluctant Writer.  The speaker went through the process of actually giving young students something to write about.  He said that students most often have trouble with what to write, since they are young and, honestly, don't have the experience to draw on that us older folk have.  His solution is to take something that is at or below their reading level, and pick it apart sentence by sentence to make an outline.  For each sentence, the student is allowed 3 (4 if older) words.  Pull three words to help them remember the gist of the sentence.  For instance, in The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog, I might choose "fox", "jumped" and "dog".  The student then can rewrite (or recite) the story back, changing it being ok: The crazy fox jumped high over the dumb dog.  You still get the idea.  The speaker suggested Aesop's fables, and so we did one.  Title words and symbols/quick pics are free, so don't count as part of the three words.  The kids really got into it, and it was neat to see how the stories came out differently.  We will definitely do this again, and maybe after a time or two will even try some non-fiction.

Tuesday.  I'm pooped.  Not sure how the kids are still awake at 11:02pm.  This morning we did some test prep Math, then we were off to buy plants for the veggie garden with Nana and Grandpa.  I ended up buying more than I expected, as usual, but I think it was worth it.  Got some flowers that the kids planted in the front garden and the back garden.  Got all the veggies and we planted them today too.  Tomatoes, bush beans, snap peas, lettuce, watermelon, cucumbers, pickling cukes, zucchini, and probably something I forgot as well.  Luke helped Nana with her bed, while Emily helped me with ours.  Grandpa and I had prepped the beds earlier, which made things a lot easier today.  I was really psyched to see how engaged the kids got with digging and planting and watering.  Now if we can keep the enthusiasm through weeding, I'd really be amazed!  :)  I'll post some pictures if the plants are still there tomorrow and I can snap a shot. 

Tonight, the kids went to the web site Hooda Math.  Lately I think they prefer it to the annoying and ad-driven Poptropica.  I am sure they find the least 'educational' type game they can find, but I think it's still better than most game sites.  They do have some serious math type stuff, but I'm just glad they can find a site we all like, and it still has them screaming with laughter. 

Ok, reading over all we've done in the past two days has made me more tired.  Tomorrow, Dancd, Dairy Farm Field trip, Aikido, and a fracking discussion at UCCC from 6-8.  Busy busy!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Day 166

Went to the First (Annual?) Knowledge (K)Night up in Kingston today.  Emily was singing with the chorus, and it was nice to hear her and everyone else sounding quite good!

After the chorus sang many an amusing note, it was time for the Spelling Bee.  Luke and Emily both not only participated, but did quite well, staying in until about the last 5 kids.  After that, we looked at exhibits and chatted until it was time for the quiz show.  The kids were set up in teams, and had to answer trivia questions.  Luke and Emily were a team, and tied for first with another team. 

It was a very nice afternoon, and we followed it up with pizza for dinner.  Yay!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Day 164, 165


Physicals for the kids today and general errands.  Got Emily's bloodwork done.  She's a real trooper about it and the lab we go to now is really fast, which is wonderful.  I don't think she'd be more anxious about it having to wait, just bored.
We did manage to get time in for math, but it took way too long to do a math test.  Emily got a 90 (I'm surprised) and Luke got an 80 (I'm even more surprised).  Attitudes could be better, and we'll be working on that in the coming weeks and aaaaaaalll summer.


Last Zoo program at Forsyth today.  I think the kids enjoyed it.  I know they have reports to do that they have to turn in by June 15th, but that's all I know.  Is this what it's like when they go to school?  How frustrating!!  Maybe I'm too hands-on, but it's driving me crazy because I've not known when it was due and if they should be working on it, and now it's due June 15th, but what is it?  They are completely unconcerned, and would likely not do anything. 
We then get to math.  They can do it, but evidently not without a lot of yelling.  Well, I'm going to try not to in future, but deal them out some consequences that may be tough to deal with.  Sigh.  It will get better.  It has to.  I have the year-end tests that need doing, so it WILL.  Actually, I think both the kids look forward to the testing.  I don't understand it, but hopefully they'll do well.  Thinking about trying it towards the end of next week.  Or maybe the week after...

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 161, 162, 163

Orchestra and Aikido, but thankfully dh came and took Emily to Aikido.  Luke got a cold over the weekend, and he's pretty miserable.  Didn't participate in Orchestra, which I can understand.  Who can play the trumpet when their nose is clogged and runny, and they have a tissue permanently installed on their upper lip?  Poor kid.

Holy mackerels, we actually got some work done.  I can't believe it.  We did not one, but TWO activities from our Science Sleuth book, and over time got 1 or 2 math lessons done and 6-8 pages of English.  Worked in some picking up of rooms and painting (adding a tree to my son's dino room.  Still needs work, but it's better).  Moved some furniture so that Emily can sleep even without a rat cage in her room, and had the kids empty the dishwasher.  Wow, we CAN get work done!

Usual busy day.  I'm getting the cold, so I have a sore throat now.  This after I went to dance and held people's hands.  Yikes!  We were supposed to have a Dairy Farm Tour, but its been raining so much that it's all mud there.  It's been postponed to next week.  Emily had chorus, but she was only allowed to go after she finished her math lesson, which she did only a little bit late.  The real trick, I know, is staying firm and being a bit stern.  There's nothing else for it.  However, the math lesson was a tricky one, and I think everyone got it in the end.  Yay!

Day 158, 159, 160

Old Dutch Church concert day!  Or rather, evening!  It was quite a rush to get over to the church by 5:45 when Aikido got out at 5:30 across town!  But we did make it, and it was a very nice concert.  Unfortunately, I didn't get my camera to dh, so no pictures.  :(  But we were dressed quite nicely!  Our new attire this year is all black and white, and everyone at my house was very happy to be dressed up and spiffy.  Oh, and we played pretty ok, too.

Next Day
Reader's Theater went so late we had to leave the library in the dark!  It was already closed!  The kids put on The Twits by Roald Dahl.  We've read this story, but it was cute how they narrated it, even though Luke was not as into it as the last time. 
One understandable reason is that his pet rat, Dusty, had had a seizure and been to the vet's the day before.  He wasn't doing well, and would actually die not much later.  We buried him the next day.  The day after that, Emily's pet rat died as well.  It was all fast and sudden, and we are still missing our furry little companions who are the stars of so many stories and fictions and emotions in our lives. 

Next Day
Forsyth Nature Center is doing a program for homeschoolers, so of course we are there.  They learned about reptiles and Emily heard that there were a few eggs laid, so she needs more info for her project due, I think, on Friday.  That's my girl.  Luke, however, has not done anything for his homework, which is to write about the Rules and Procedures.  I smell a trip to Kingston in my near future.  I'm more and more glad that there are 20 official days left in the school year, though we are going to continue math through the summer.

Day 156, 157

Wow, been a while since I posted!  Well, we were getting to the end of the semester, and my class was winding up, and I just didn't have time to write.  So, I'm going to back up a bit, and just do a few days at a time.

What we discovered via friends on these two days was a game called Timez Attack.  This is a highly video game-like educational activity.  The graphics are really amazing for what it is, especially the free version that you download to your computer.  I've heard that it tracks how you do and adjusts the game to your ability.  I've also heard that you can, as the parent, log on and see how the kid is doing.  It gives them a  pretest, then does the same test at the end to see if they have improved.

While I'm really amazed at the quality and feel of the game, I can say that my son, the ultimate video game addict, gets so frustrated he cries with this game.  Could be he has to take it down a level, because I can also say that he really likes to play it.  It's just that the speed of the questions is pretty rapid, and he's not as fast at his facts as he needs to be.  A little practice on his part, and I think he'll love this game.

Next Day
Went for a hike.  It was billed as a 'short walk', but it was a hike.  Everyone was tired.  Dh and I were tired and sore from working outside on Mother's Day.  The kids were tired from...I don't know what they were tired from.  We started with the idea that we would walk just a little in, find a nice place with a view, sit and eat and enjoy the beautiful weather.  Yep.  That was the plan.

What happened, however, was we went to Undercliff/Overcliff.  By the time we found a spot that was lunch-worthy, we were so far we decided to complete the loop.  Over 5 miles! 

Lunchtime!  Sittin' and enjoyin'

Naturalist at work
Towards the very end of the hike

 Oh, sweet girl!

There were tons of these guys.  Why did the millipede cross the road?  I don't care since the hundreds of these were keeping the kids very occupied all the way back at the end.  They kept track of live or dead, and when we stopped we were amazed to see that bicyclists could drive by without hitting any.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 153-155

What a week!  Wednesday we had the usual: Dance, Co-op, which was a special Mother's Day activity that I am not yet privvy to, and Aikido.
Thursday was almost a wash as far as my doing academics with the kids as we had to go to the dentist (a 45 minute ride each way) and the car place to get a strut replaced (same area as the dentist).  We did manage to get 2 math lessons done.  It always surprises me!  It wasn't easy, but we got through them at the car place while we waited.
Thursday evening, we went to see a talk by Dr. Pigliucci on how to tell Science from Bunk.  It was a really good talk, very entertaining and enlightening.  I highly recommend seeing him if you get the opportunity.  Not so much for the kids, though, and my mom ended up entertaining them for a lot of the time.  I, having done my time with math at the car place, felt a little guilty letting her take that on, but not enough to do anything differently. 
Steve and Luke getting the launch pad ready

The Ghost of the Angry Bee prepares for takeoff
Friday was Rocket Day!  All the kids look forward to it, and it really is a lot of fun.  It was pretty windy, so we thought we might lose some rockets, but we only lost 1 and two halves.  One went over the river, and one lost a nosecone in a tree, and one sort of melted but is still in our house.  Luke's rocket was cracked on the first launch, and started melting on the second try later on.  Emily's went up a good couple of times, and mine, the stark white (due to being built the night before) Ghost of the Angry Bee (who b\lew up during the last Rocket Day) made it up and down at least 4 times and, after being given up for lost, was found and brought home!  The Ghost of the Angry Bee lives! 

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Day 151-152

So.  Monday was ok.  Not fantastic, but ok.  Had to argue with Luke, but got to Orchestra, got to Aikido.  Didn't make it to the zoo, but that seemed like pushing it anyway.  Turns out we have two weeks until the next zoology class, so we're ok waiting a bit to go do the homework.  We went home and finished reading Coraline, which I found totally creepy but really clever and wild, too.  Not sure the kids liked it, but they wanted to hear it when I offered to read, so I'll take it!  Somehow, Emily fell down on the stairs in back of the house, though not far.  I guess she was at the bottom step, and missed or something, but she cut her toe pretty good.  Now she's gimping all over the house, out of the house, on the driveway, in the yard.  She just can't help wanting to be all over!
Then we got to today.  Yikes!  Everyone was in a bad mood and nothing got done except for Luke eventually doing his math.  Luke!  Not Emily!  Actually, I shouldn't say that nothing got done, as hubby and I cleaned out our small pond (it doesn't feel so small when you have to clean it!). Of course, Gimpy had to come over to watch us, getting as close as we'd let her with the injury on her toe.  We pretty much emptied the pond and scrubbed the sides.  No sign of our little black fishes, which makes me sad, but at least we have our two goldfish and the frog.  Now we'll be able to see them, but now I'm so sore I'm not sure I'll make Dance tomorrow!  Guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.

Day 146-150

Having survived Easter, we tackled the new week with low enthusiasm, but managed to work in a good amount of activity.  We went to orchestra and Aikido on Monday. 

Tuesday we went north about an hour and a half and saw the Gilboa tree fossils, then hunted for fossils at a site on the side of the road.  An excellent site as you can't help but find fossils!
At the Gilboa Fossil Site

A fossil of a tree stump!

At our fossil collecting site.  It was a tad hot.

Heat did not stop the big kids from exploring and looking for trilobites (we never found any).
 Unfortunately, the heat meant the kids didn't want to look for long, but we came home with scads of fossils. 

Wednesday meant going to Dance with Emily, a walk on the Rail Trail with Friends, and a Book Club meeting at the Stone Ridge Library.  They discussed The Miraculous Journey of Edward Toulane. 

Thursday was Math, English and Reader's Theater.  This is also at the Stone Ridge Library and run by Julianna.  The kids practiced and made costumes and line changes, then they put on the play, seated, reading from scripts, but enunciating with feeling.  The Big Blank Wolf: the day the Big Bad Wolf forgot his middle name.  It was really cute. 

Friday was the first Zoology class that we have made it to at the Forsyth Nature Center.  It turns out that the kids are putting together a newsletter, and Luke volunteered to do the Rules and Procedures section, and Emily will do Births and Deaths.  The Forsyth Nature Center is a great little zoo in Kingston with animals that they encourage you to feed with goodies like lettuce and carrots that you can bring.  They have peacocks, ducks, a sheep, a bull, deer, goats, a pot bellied pig, chickens, rabbits, turtles, tortoises, guinea fowl, parakeets, finches, and an apiary I haven't been near.  They have a beautiful pond there they put in a year or two ago with a boardwalk to see it from.  Seems like the programs are really pretty good, too!  So we'll see if I can get these ratscallion kids to do their homework!