Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Day 59

Orchestra.  The idea of orchestra is wonderful.  It's fun, it's lively, it's cool people, and it's academic in many ways without having to be academic in nature.  I love it for many things.  Yet I dread it. 

Every Monday, Luke gives me trouble about going to orchestra.  For all of the last two years (this is our third year), I think I can count on one hand the number of times Luke has been happy to go.  When I dwell on this, it makes me sad.  How awful to have our musical outlet be the source of so much sadness and upset for him!  Today, on the verge of deciding to quit after the next concert, I was fairly decided.  I was done forcing my son to do this 'dreaded' thing every week.  I also decided against forcing him to come in.  When we arrived at 9:58am, I took our stuff out, and Emily got hers, and I headed in.  I fully expected Luke to stay in the car. 
Wishing I had parked right in front of the building even though we weren't far, I started towards the door, only to hear Luke's car door open and close.  I didn't look.  Emily turned her head, and I quickly told her not to look.  It was like having a large bird behind us.  If we didn't look at it, we wouldn't spook it.
Sure enough, Luke came in.  He huffed.  He got a chair and set himself up.  Got his trumpet, his stand, and demanded his music.  Sure, kid, sure. 
To my surprise, he played.  He didn't look thrilled, but he got those notes, and he got them pretty good! 
I was shocked, and saddened to think I wouldn't be bringing him past January because he doesn't like coming.  He could be good! 
Afterwards, he came up to me, and I told him how proud I was that he had played, and how good he sounded.  Then I heard the words come out of his mouth.

"I like Orchestra."

Then he ran off to play with the other kids.

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