Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Day 25, 26

It occurs to me that the homeschool experience is not at all like I expected it to be.  Every now and then, there is a hint of it, like when I'm reading them a book we are all interested in, or when they both forget that they would rather give me a hard time than get into the concepts of math, even when I myself allow topics to go off-course (I've discovered that's hard for me).

It seems like fourth grade is the year we are going to try to lay some things aside that we used to view as important.  The many outings, the running from one activity to another and calling it school, the let's-meet-for-a-playdate-and-call-it-socialization; it's coming to an end.  It never entered my mind that there were real phases to homeschooling just like any other part of life.  But just as we all get older and change, so homeschooling does, too.  Every time I get comfortable with something in life, it has to change.  Sigh.  Really, though, it is a good thing, and it's wonderful to see the advancement that Luke and Emily have made in the past year.  There is a maturity that was not there before.

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