Can I account for all 180 days of homeschooling?

Can I account for all 180 required days of homeschooling?

You bet I can, and then some.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Day 13

Another day,  Today was mostly ok, other than the constant nagging and the screaming. 

Trying to get Emily to do math before Dance was a disaster, so tomorrow I won't even pretend we'll get it done before we go to our new History class.  Maybe if I dole it out in smaller chunks, she'll take it better.  Steve got a taste of what I deal with all day when he did Chemistry with them tonight.  Lots of screaming and whining.  Ugh.  I give him credit, though, he handled it well and came out the other side with two kids who seemed to enjoy it. 

The rest of the day was good.  We went to Dance, which was good, though I'm afraid we may be overwhelming the small group of older adults with three kids (no other kids in the group) and four more adults!  Hopefully it will work alright.  One woman seems to have taken a shine to Emily and one of the other girls, and she helps them out.  It is so nice!  I do like the interplay between the generations.  I think it's great to see them talking and enjoying each other's company.  We are a bit slow to learn, which I think might aggrevate some of the people, so we'll just have to take it one session at a time and see how it goes.

After Dance, it was race back home to get lunch and Luke and go apple picking.  There have not been a lot of people coming to our little co-op.  I understand it, but it annoys me at the same time.  Not that I put a ton of work into it, but this is our social time.  How are we going to have social time without the people?  Next week will seal it one way or the other.  It will be Rocket Day, so I think we'll have more turn-out.  If not, I may do something drastic like not go sometimes just because I'm feeling a bit overwhelmed myself.  Or maybe I'm just tired today because I've been having less coffee and no real sleep aids (with fibro, that's tough) so I'm running on low. 

All that complaining aside, we had a very nice time with the people who did come.  We are getting to be good friends with some of the younger set (that 'intergenerational' thing again) and I think that is good for everyone.  I remember when Luke and Emily were the young ones, and the other kids were older.  I don't remember the interactions, but Luke and Em consider them good friends.  I see the interactions now with my kids being the older ones, and it's mostly good.  Very encouraging.  One of their good friends who's a little older also came, so it was really nice to share some time together!

Between all this, I was trying to get Emily to get her math done.  "Emily, we're not going to Dance unless this page is done."  "EE-EH!"  "Emily, you have to get this done before we get there."  "EE-EH!"  And that's just my side of the conversation.

So, mostly a good day, sprinkled liberally with attitude and screamage.  Hmm.

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