I'm amazed that I'm posting tonight. It's midnight, and we've had quite a few days.
Yesterday was orchestra, and Luke has finally stopped fighting me about going. Oh, he may stomp a foot, but that's about it. He participates as much as he can. I do think he has trouble with the noise level, which is actually low for an orchestral group. He has limited tolerances, which I've known for many years, but I think he's finally starting to accept the noise as part of tthe experience. Only now and again do I notice that particularly pained look on his face. I've told him to take a break outside when that happened before, and that seems to help. I think the fact that he knows I don't mind if he gets away for a few minutes is a relief to him. He still wants to leave pretty much right when it's done, but the weather isn't that nice yet. I'm betting that will change once people stay and play, and I have to be more flexible about actually leaving instead of letting myself get wrapped up in conversation. Sigh.
Anyway, math yesterday was a disaster, ending with me yelling and threatening school, as usual. I really have to stop that. It helps no one, and school isn't really a possibility at this moment anyway, so I'm just wound up without any oomph behind me.
It was a stressful day anyway, because not only did I have an essay due today for my history class (I should have been working on it sooner!) but I started training for an evening temp job doing data entry. Fun fun. After training, which was from 6-10, I went food shopping. Didn't get home until 11:30pm, then put everything away. Fun.
Today, the kids lazed this morning while I finished my essay, talked to my mother-in-law, talked to my mom, talked to the bank about my debit card, talked to the orthodontist who it turns out doesn't take our insurance, and I don't even know what else. The kids started to give me a hard time about getting to work, but Emily suddenly turned into this wonderful child who not only did what she was told, did it in a timely manner, and did it neatly, but did what she was expected to without me having to tell her! This encouraged Luke to act in like manner, and soon everyone had their work done.
We are also working on helping more with the house. They help more with cleaning the rats' cages, feeding the dog, the rats, the fish. They help with laundry (I tried to get them to fold their clothes, but quickly realized I'd end up getting clean clothes back to wash since my son would just dump them in the closet, then sweep them into the dirty clothes, not saving myself any work at all, so the kids come downstairs and help load, transfer, and unload, then get their clothes and put them away...works much better). They are also expected to help with the dishes. They unload and hand them to me, saving my back! Today they also had to help Dad bring down the garbage cans since my parents, who live next door, needed us to bring theirs down, too, since Grandpa just had dental surger today (hence one of the phone calls).
I then went to Michael's before work tonight to get materials to prepare for our Egypt get together tomorrow. I got ancient egypt figures, and built lego 'pyramids' (ok, boxish sort of contraptions) for the kids to dig out tomorrow. I built the structure tonight after work, much to the annoyance of my husband. Legos are loud, and I had to sift through many to get the right ones. Ugh! Tomorrow in the AM, I make sure I have the short video ready, the heiroglyphic stamps and paper ready, and the house clean as we have dance tomorrow beforehand, then Emily has chorus after Egypt, and then they have Aikido, then I have to work again.
It's now 12:20am, and I'm sitting her drinking my Valerian tea hoping to get sleepy sometime soon. Wish me luck! :)